P&Z FULL PACKET JUNE 10, 2019PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING June 10, 2019 THE NACOGDOCHES CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION, Monday, June 10, 2019, AT 5:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER ROOM 119 AT 202 EAST PILAR STREET TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS. ALL AGENDA ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO ACTION. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes: Consider and take action for the Minutes from the May 13, 2019 Regular Session 3. Outcome from City Council Meeting on May 21, 2019. 4. Public Hearing: Consider a request for a Historic Overlay, for Lot 10-A, City Block 62, located at 909 Cariker Street, Nacogdoches, Texas. 5. Public Hearing: Consider the request for a Specific Use Permit to construct a park/sporting field complex on Lot 28-A, City Block 54, Parcel ID 24709, generally located at the southeast corner of Tower Road and Park Street. (The Boys and Girls Club). SUP 19-02 6. Adjourn:______________ _________________________________ Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant The City Council Chambers is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Planning Department at (936) 559-2571 or FAX (936) 559-2910 for further information. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the public notice board at City Hall, 202 East Pilar Street, on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. I further certify that the News Media were properly notified of this meeting as stated above. ______________________________________ Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission was removed by me from the directory outside City Hall on the _______ day of _____________________, 2019. Name: _____________________________ Title:_______________________________________ City of Nacogdoches Planning Department 202 E. Pilar – PO Box 635030 – Nacogdoches, TX 75963 936-559-2502 • Fax 936-559-2912 • www.ci.nacogdoches.tx.us Home of Stephen F. Austin State University • www.sfasu.edu PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MAY 13, 2019 REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD May 13, 2019– 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Members Present: R.J. Bohac, Nancy Day, Stephanie Malott, Ken Deppisch Members Absent: Don Mills Staff Present: Leo Mantey, Jerri Turner, Caleb Hill Others Present: Ed Pool, Wilda Harrelson 1. Call to Order: Commissioner Bohac called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. 2. Approval of minutes: April 8, 2019 Regular Session Commissioner Deppisch made a motion to approve the minutes, Commissioner Mallot seconded the motion and the request was passed unanimously. 3. Public Hearing: Consider a request for a Historic Overlay, for Lot 10-A, City Block 62, located at 909 Cariker Street, Nacogdoches, Texas. Planning Director, Leo Mantey, explained that the Historic Board did not have a quorum, therefore, had not had a chance to meet on this request. This request was tabled. 4. Public Hearing: Consider the request for a zone change from B-1, Local Business and PD, Planned Development, to B-2, General Business, for Lot 70-B-1, Parcel ID 24909, City Block 54, generally located at North Stallings Drive. Caleb Hill, presented this request. He stated this is a piece of undeveloped property that hopes to allow for medical office usage. East of the property is a church and North of the property is out of the city limits. This request is in line with the future land use map. This request will clean up this area. Chairman Bohac stated this is 64.55 acres. He asked if there were any questions. There were none. He called for anyone to speak for or against. Ed Pool stated that he is representing the two owners. It is an empty zoning and the church next door is aware that plans are ongoing. Chairman Bohac asked if there was anyone else to speak. Wilda Harrelson stated that she believes her property backs up to this property. It is all wilderness. She stated she was given an easement years ago and she has no objection as long as that easement is honored. She stated the Wrights gave them an easement from the loop. Commissioner Deppisch asked if there was any existing access. Harrelson stated no, that it had not been used in years. Chairman Bohac asked if there was anyone else to speak. There was no one. He called for a motion. Commissioner Day made a motion to approve the request, and Commissioner Deppisch seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously 4-0. ADJOURNED: Meeting was adjourned at 5:19 pm _________________________________ Chairman, R.J. Bohac _________________________________ Attest: Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant P&Z Minutes Page 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 3 DISCUSS OUTCOME FROM CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON MAY 21, 2019: SUP-01 Specific Use Permit for stand and stone extraction at 2722 Durst Street Planning and Zoning Commission voted in favor 5-0 City Council approved 4-1 ZON19-02 Rezone from B-1, Local Business and PD, Planned Development, to B-2, General Business, for Lot 70-B-1, Parcel ID 24909, City Block 54. Planning and Zoning Commission voted in favor 4-0 City Council approved 5-0. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 4 PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A HISTORIC OVERLAY, FOR LOT 10-A, CITY BLOCK 62, LOCATED AT 909 CARIKER STREET, NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS 5 1DFRJGRFKHV+LVWRULF/DQGPDUN3UHVHUYDWLRQ&RPPLWWHH 67$))5(3257 3UHSDUHGE\+DQQD($QGHUVHQ +2 &$6(180%(5+2  '$7( $SULO  1$0(2)$33/,&$17 $JDWKD0RUHODQG /2&$7,21&DULNHU 6WUHHW 5(48(67('$&7,21 +LVWRULF2YHUOD\]RQLQJGHVLJQDWLRQ 67$))&200(176 $JDWKD0RUHODQGKDVUHTXHVWHGWKHSURSHUW\ORFDWHGDW&DULNHU6WUHHWEHLQFOXGHGLQWKH+LVWRULF 2YHUOD\=RQLQJRQEHKDOIRISURSHUW\RZQHU6RXWKZHVW5HJLRQ&RQIHUHQFHRI6'$7KHFKXUFKZDV RUJDQL]HG DQG EXLOW E\ 0U -HVVLH ³5RZH´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¶VSDVW  (PERGLHVWKHGLVWLQFWLYHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIDW\SHRUSHULRGRIDUFKLWHFWXUHRUPHWKRGRI FRQVWUXFWLRQ  5HSUHVHQWVWKHZRUN RIDPDVWHUGHVLJQHUEXLOGHURUFUDIWVPDQ  5HSUHVHQWVDQHVWDEOLVKHGDQGIDPLOLDUYLVXDOIHDWXUHRIWKHFLW\ 2UG1RDUW;,† &LW\2UGLQDQFHUHTXLUHVWKDWDWOHDVWRQHRIWKHVL[FULWHULDEHPHWLQRUGHUWRDFKLHYHGHVLJQDWLRQLQD KLVWRULFRYHUOD\GLVWULFW6WDIIYLVLWHGZLWKWKHDSSOLFDQW DQGIRXQGWKDW&DULNHU6WUHHW PHHWV1XPEHU  RIWKH&ULWHULDIRU'HVLJQDWLRQ ± DVVRFLDWLRQZLWKDVLJQLILFDQWSHUVRQ ,QGHFLGLQJWKLVFDVH+/3& PXVWFRQVLGHULI&DULNHU6WUHHWPHHWVDQ\RIWKHDERYHPHQWLRQHGFULWHULDIRUGHVLJQDWLRQ,IWKH SURSHUW\PHHWVDQ\RQHRIWKHFULWHULDLWTXDOLILHVIRU+LVWRULF2YHUOD\]RQLQJ,ILWPHHWVQRQHLWLV LQHOLJLEOH +LVWRULF/DQGPDUN3UHVHUYDWLRQ&RPPLWWHHZLOOPDNHDUHFRPPHQGDWLRQWRWKH3ODQQLQJDQG=RQLQJ &RPPLVVLRQ ZKRZLOOPHHWRQ0D\%RWK+/3&DQG3ODQQLQJDQG =RQLQJ ZLOOSUHVHQWWKHLU UHFRPPHQGDWLRQVWR&LW\&RXQFLOIRUILQDODSSURYDORQ-XQH 4 $JHQGD,WHP +2  6 $JHQGD,WHP +2 7 *Parcel is outlined in red. *Current zoning in area is Two Family (Brown) and Single Family (Yellow). 8 9 10 $JHQGD,WHP +2 11 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 5 PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER THE REQUEST FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A PARK/SPORTING FIELD COMPLEX ON LOT 28-A, CITY BLOCK 54, PARCEL ID 24709, GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF TOWER ROAD AND PARK STREET. (THE BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB). SUP 19-02 Planning and Zoning Commission Date: June 10, 2019 Agenda Item: 5 PRESENTER: Leo Mantey, Planning Director ITEM/SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Consider a request for a Specific use Permit (SUP) to construct a park/sporting field complex on Lot 28-A, City Block 54, Parcel ID 24709, generally located at the southeast corner of Tower Road and Park Street. Submitted by The Boys and Girls Club. SUP19-02. Background The request is for a specific use permit to allow a park/sporting field complex Lot 28-A, City Block 54, Parcel ID 24709, generally located along Park Street. The 3.2-acre property is currently zoned A-Agriculture which allows the property to be presently used for agricultural purposes, newly annexed, for open spaces, or area not yet developed due to unavailability of urban services. The development proposes the approval of a specific use permit to allow a conditional use through A-Agriculture, a park/sporting field complex. If approved, the entire site development will adhere to all regulations and requirements of the A-Agriculture Zoning district. Existing Land Use The lot is currently vacant. The proposed use will not have any adverse use on surrounding properties. Zoning The zoning designation for the said property is A-Agriculture. The proposed use is allowed via SUP in the Agriculture zone and will not change the zoning of the property. Future Land Use Per the 2003 Nacogdoches Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land Use designates the land as Vacant to allow for any use that fits the demand of the neighborhood. Factors to be Considered in Approving an SUP Per Section 118.173 of the Nacogdoches Code of Ordinances, the following factors are to be considered when considering an SUP: Compatibility The area is in close proximity to The Boys and Girls Club, Mike Moses Middle School, and residential neighborhoods. This development will serve the surrounding areas with a park and recreation area not serviced by the City of Nacogdoches. The proposed land use is low-intensity in nature and will primarily be used in the afternoon and evening times. While there is the consideration for noise and light pollution for residents, there is the belief that many residents will use the area as a public space and disregard the trade-offs associated with a nearby commercial use. Staff therefore believes it is likely that the proposed use will be compatible with existing land uses surrounding the development and not interfere with current quality of life. Planning and Zoning Commission Date: June 10, 2019 Agenda Item: 5 Orderly growth and development The development will adhere to all subdivision regulations. Based on the site plan provided, it is likely the proposed use will level the land for recreation purposes and provide appropriate landscaping along the street frontage. However, there will likely not be major environmental impact on the existing land or the surrounding land. There is appropriate drainage for rain runoff throughout the field in case of a flood. Staff therefore believes that the development will adhere to all development regulations in a safe and orderly manner during the time of development and in the future. Supporting Facilities The site is adequately served with all basic utilities. All developments such as driveway, parking, etc. will have to conform to current development standards. Per the site plan provided, staff believes some of these have been addressed. There will be shared parking with the adjacent NISD parking. Staff will also review other engineering components to make the site a suitable and safe place for the proposed facility. Drives and Parking A driveway and parking spot for the commercial use will be provided. They will have to conform to current city development standards. Nuisances Staff believes that before approving this development, light and noise pollution should be considered as issues of concern. Based on site plans provided, staff believes there will be minimal nuisance in this regard. Lighting Lighting will be provided for evening and night activities but will be directed away from residential areas. Landscaping The development proposes landscaping along the street frontage as street trees per development standards. A fence will be provided along the backside of the property as a buffer, along with specific tree preservation. Conformity to the 2003 Comprehensive Plan Per the 2003 Comprehensive Plan, this development achieves the objectives of, “Partner with local religious and educational institutions by sharing existing facilities to better serve communities,” and, “Assure an even geographic distribution of parks and recreation facilities that will provide equitable opportunity for activities and access for all citizens by identifying areas that are underserved.” Through this partnership, the neighborhoods will have better access to parks and recreation facilities that the City of Nacogdoches might not be able to provide. Flood Damage Prevention: Per the FEMA Floodplain Map, there is no portion of the property that falls in the 100 or 500 foot floodplain area. Notices: Planning and Zoning Commission Date: June 10, 2019 Agenda Item: 5 Staff sent out 8 notices to property owners within the 200 foot notification area. There were zero (0) responses received in favor of the request, and zero (0) responses received in opposition of the request. Staff Findings and Recommendation Staff will like to outline the following findings: • The development will likely function as a public center that will act as a catalyst for neighborhood interactions. Many people, including the neighborhood residents, will be able to enjoy the benefits this development will bring to the area. • Although the development is a low-intensity use, there is still reason to consider noise and light pollution. However, the applicant has assured staff that there will be adequate consideration of the neighborhood residents, with fencing, tree preservation, and infrastructure turned away from houses to limit light pollution. Activities will be primarily scheduled during the afternoon and evening to limit noise and light pollution. • The applicant has submitted some documents to give more information on the project (see attached documents) Based on the above findings, Staff would recommend the Planning and Zoning Commission consider the above findings before making a recommendation on the SUP. FINANCIAL: __X_ There is no financial impact associated with this item _____ Item is budgeted: (______-______-______) In the amount of $__________ _____ Item is not budgeted (Budget Amendment required; please attach BA ordinance) Amount: $____________ GL Account #: ______________________________ _____ Item is estimated to generate additional revenue: ___________________________________ CITY CONTACT: Leo Mantey, Planning Director manteyl@ci.nacogdoches.tx.us 559-2572 ATTACHMENTS: Application Location Map Aerial Map Zoning map Future Land Use Map Notification Map Site Plan NUNIVERSITYDRNE S T ALLI N G S D R WILDWOOD DRSUMMITST PAR K ST ROSEBUD LN JEFFERSON ST CENTE R R DROSEWOODLNPRUITTHILLDRPARKSIDEDRP A R K S T PARKST EDGEWOOD LN ROB LN E OAK LNHUMPHREY RDTOWER RDHUDSONST CHRISHANEYRDCARDINALST HOPELNDAYBREAK DRMARTINSVILLEST TANGL E B E R R Y ST JOHNRICHARDSONRD PRUITTHILL CIRUPPERMELROSERDHOLLYBERRY DRVILLA GEGATE CIRCRISP RDMARTINSVILLEST SANDYLN TAN G L E W O O D C I R TANGLEWOODCIR ¯ Buildings Parcels Lot 2-A, Blk 54 Lot 2-A Blk 54 Location Map Created By: Caleb Hill Data: City of Nacogdoches Date: May 28, 2019 0 0.25 0.50.13 Miles PARK ST SUMMIT STTOWER RDHOPE LNDAYBREAKDR CRISP RDSANDYLN ¯ Two Foot Contours Buildings Lot 2-A, Blk 54 Lot 2-A Blk 54 Aerial Map Created By: Caleb Hill Data: City of Nacogdoches Date: May 28, 2019 0 550 1,100275Feet TOWER RD PARK ST SUMMIT STHOPE LNDAYBREAKDR SANDYLNCRISP RDR-3 B-2 R-3 A A R-3 A ¯ Zoning Agriculture General Business Two Family Multi Family Parcels Lot 2-A, Blk 54 Lot 2-A Blk 54 Zoning Map Created By: Caleb Hill Data: City of Nacogdoches Date: May 28, 2019 0 550 1,100275Feet TOWER RD PARK ST SUMMIT STHOPE LNDAYBREAKDR SANDYLNCRISP RD¯ Parcels LANDUSE Vacant Multi-Family Residential Public Single Family Residential Lot 2-A, Blk 54 Lot 2-A Blk 54 Future Land Use Map Created By: Caleb Hill Data: City of Nacogdoches Date: May 28, 2019 0 550 1,100275Feet TOWER RD PARK ST SUMMIT STHOPE LNDAYBREAKDR SANDYLNCRISP RD¯ Buildings Parcels City Limits Lot 2-A, Blk 54 Selected Parcels Lot 2-A Blk 54 Notification Map Created By: Caleb Hill Data: City of Nacogdoches Date: May 28, 2019 0 550 1,100275Feet