P&Z Packet- July 8 2019PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING July 8, 2019 THE NACOGDOCHES CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION, Monday, July 8, 2019, AT 5:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER ROOM 119 AT 202 EAST PILAR STREET TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS. ALL AGENDA ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO ACTION. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes: Consider and take action for the Minutes from the June 10, 2019 Regular Session 3. Outcome from City Council Meeting on June 18, 2019. 4. Public Hearing: Consider a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow a light manufacturing company in a B-2, General Business zoning district, for Lot 17-5, City Block 95, Parcel ID 26728, generally located on N.W. Stallings Drive. 5. Adjourn:______________ _________________________________ Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant The City Council Chambers is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Planning Department at (936) 559-2571 or FAX (936) 559-2910 for further information. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the public notice board at City Hall, 202 East Pilar Street, on Wednesday, July 3, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. I further certify that the News Media were properly notified of this meeting as stated above. ______________________________________ Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission was removed by me from the directory outside City Hall on the _______ day of _____________________, 2019. Name: _____________________________ Title:_______________________________________ City of Nacogdoches Planning Department 202 E. Pilar – PO Box 635030 – Nacogdoches, TX 75963 936-559-2502 • Fax 936-559-2912 • www.ci.nacogdoches.tx.us Home of Stephen F. Austin State University • www.sfasu.edu PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 10, 2019 REGULAR SESSION MINUTES TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD June 10, 2019– 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Members Present: R.J. Bohac, Nancy Day, Stephanie Malott, Ken Deppisch Members Absent: Don Mills Staff Present: Leo Mantey, Jerri Turner, Sara Brown Others Present: Brian Bray, Hanna Anderson, Sally Ann Swearingen 1. Call to Order: Commissioner Bohac called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. 2. Approval of minutes: May 13, 2019 Regular Session Commissioner Deppisch made a motion to approve the minutes, Commissioner Mallot seconded the motion and the request was passed unanimously. 3. Outcome from City Council Meeting on May 21, 2019. City Planning Staff, Jerri Turner, advised the board of the previous City Council Meeting. She stated that the outcome for the Specific Use Permit for sand and stone excavating at 2722 Durst Street was Planning and Zoning voted 5-0 and City Council voted 4-1. 4. Public Hearing: Consider the request for Historic Overlay, for Lot 10-A, City Block 62, located at 909 Cariker Street, Nacogdoches, Texas. Director of Community Center, Brian Bray, stated this is a voluntary item. Mrs. Moreland is the applicant. The owner has approved. Jessie Mayfield founded the church. Commissioner Mallot asked if the structure is currently a church. Bray stated yes it is. Commissioner Deppisch asked if there were plans for any renovations. Bray stated no, there are not. Commissioner Mallot asked about the significance. How it was founded. Bray stated that all of his history can be found there. The family came in with a 4’ packet of history. Commissioner Bohac asked if there was any further discussion and there was none. He called for a motion. Commissioner Deppisch made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Day seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. 5. Public Hearing: Consider the request for a Specific Use Permit to construct a park/sporting complex on Lot 28-A, City Block 54, Parcel ID 24709, generally located at the southeast corner of Tower Road and Park Street. (The Boys and Girls Club) SUP19-02. City Planner, Leo Mantey, stated this request is to construct a park/sports complex. It will be a sports facility for public use. This type facility is permitted in an Agriculture zoning with a Specific Use Permit. We are not changing the zoning. This area is vacant and in close proximity to the Boys and Girls Club. Development will adhere to city regulations as in driveways, parking, lighting and noise. We have been promised that the lighting will be turned downward if they decide to erect one. They will leave most trees for screening. They P&Z Minutes Page 1 have shared parking with NISD. Most activities will be held in the evening or late afternoons. Deppisch asked if there were any regulations at all. Mantey stated all city subdivision regulation will apply to it with emphasis on noise and lighting. Chairman Bohac asked about parking and if there would be some onsite parking. Mantey stated yes, but not enough. They will utilize the adjacent NISD parking. Sally Ann Swearingen spoke for the organization. She stated it is laid out for baseball, soccer, etc. There will be concession on site. The neighbors are excited and it will also be fenced with tall netting on some areas. The lighting will not happen for a few years but it will be pointed downward. Chairman Bohac asked if there was anyone to speak for or against and there was no one. He called for a motion. Commissioner Mallot made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Deppisch seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. ADJOURNED: Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm _________________________________ Chairman, R.J. Bohac _________________________________ Attest: Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant P&Z Minutes Page 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 3 DISCUSS OUTCOME FROM CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JUNE 18, 2019: SUP-01 Specific Use Permit to construct a park/sporting field complex Planning and Zoning Commission voted in favor 4-0 City Council approved 3-0 Consider a request for a Historic Overlay, for Lot 10-A, City Block 62, located at 909 Cariker Street, Nacogdoches, Texas. Planning and Zoning Commission voted in favor 4-0 City Council approved 3-0 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 4 PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP) TO ALLOW A LIGHT MANUFACTURING COMPANY IN A B-2, GENERAL BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICT, FOR LOT 17-5, CITY BLOCK 95, PARCEL ID 26728, GENERALLY LOCATED ON N.W. STALLINGS DRIVE. Planning and Zoning Commission Date: July 8, 2019 Agenda Item: 4 PRESENTER: Leo Mantey, Planning Director ITEM/SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Consider a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a light manufacturing company on Lot 17-5, City Block 95, Parcel ID 26728, generally located at 3101 NW Stallings Drive. Submitted by Dennis Grubb. SUP19-03. Background The request is for a specific use permit to allow a light manufacturing company on Lot 17-5, City Block 95, Parcel ID 26728, generally located along NW Stallings Drive. The 3.3-acre property is currently zoned B-2-General Business which allows the property to be presently used for retail, offices, and other commercial activities. Per the City Ordinance, light manufacturing development and some other low impact industrial uses are allowed in the B-2 zoning district via SUP. This allows staff, Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council to review and impose conditions if necessary to such development before approval to ensure they don’t pose any adverse impact on surrounding land uses. If approved, the entire site development will adhere to all regulations and requirements of the B-2-General Business Zoning district. Solaro Energy proposes building a 200' X 100' insulated metal building which will be meticulously maintained on the 7-acre lot on South Stallings Drive. The company will be manufacturing, assembling, packaging and shipping solar powered lighting products and ventilation systems. The development expects to employ 30-50 people in the first two years with exponential expected growth. They will not be producing any toxic or noxious gases (no smells will be created). No toxic materials will be handled. Solaro Energy is a green company. They reduce, reuse and recycle in all processes. They intend to grow to a total of about 100,000 square feet under roof after a full build out. Existing Land Use The lot is currently vacant. The development on it will meet all subdivision regulation. The area is primarily made up of commercial and industrial uses. Based on the description of the proposed use, staff does not foresee any likely adverse impact on surrounding land uses. Zoning The zoning designation for the said property is B-2 General Business. The proposed use is allowed via SUP in the General Business zone and will not change the zoning of the property. All surrounding zones are B-2. Future Land Use Per the 2003 Nacogdoches Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land Use designates the area for commercial use. The propose use is light industrial and will likely not have any adverse impact on commercial uses. Also with time, the area has rather developed into a mixed use of commercial and industrial uses. Staff therefore believes the proposed use does not entirely deviate from the future land use designation of the area. Planning and Zoning Commission Date: July 8, 2019 Agenda Item: 4 Factors to be Considered in Approving an SUP Per Section 118.173 of the Nacogdoches Code of Ordinances, the following factors are to be considered when considering an SUP: Compatibility The area is in close proximity to existing commercial uses and industrial uses like East Texas Truck Center and Nacogdoches Coca-Cola. Staff believes that even though the area is zoned B-2, growth along the corridor has been more of high intense commercial or industrial due to its close proximity to the Loop. Staff believes this proposed light manufacturing company will blend well with surrounding uses along the Loop. Orderly growth and development The development will adhere to all subdivision regulations. Based on initial interactions with the applicant, /owner, he is willing to work with the city to ensure the development is of high standard that will be a valuable asset to the City. The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council can also impose some conditions or recommendations to ensure the development does not create any adverse impacts for citizens or the environment. Supporting Facilities The site is adequately served with all basic utilities. All developments such as driveway, parking, etc. will have to conform to current development standards. Per initial site plan provided, staff believes some of these have been addressed. There will on-site parking for employees and visitors. Staff will also review other engineering components to make the site a suitable and safe place for the proposed facility. Drives and Parking A driveway and parking spot for the commercial use will be provided. They will have to conform to current city development standards. They will also be constructed with the maximum safety consideration due to the location of the site along the Loop. Nuisances Based on initial discussion with applicant/owner, staff does not foresee any major nuisance for this development. Lighting Lighting will be provided for site and care would be taken to prevent any light pollution. Landscaping The development proposes landscaping along the street frontage. The applicant has proposed to do more than the minimum required landscaping to improve the aesthetics of the area. Conformity to the 2003 Comprehensive Plan Per the 2003 Comprehensive Plan, this development achieves the objectives of promoting Vibrant and viable commercial and industrial areas, supported by a quality community offering many assets and opportunities for economic development” Staff believes the development will be a great addition to the Planning and Zoning Commission Date: July 8, 2019 Agenda Item: 4 economy of the City. Even though the future land use map calls for the area to be commercial, staff believes the proposed use is a low intensity industrial use with low impacts and would therefore fit into a commercial zone. Flood Damage Prevention: Per the FEMA Floodplain Map, there is no portion of the property that falls in the 100 or 500 foot floodplain area. Notices: Staff sent out 8 notices to property owners within the 200 foot notification area. There were zero (0) responses received in favor of the request, and zero (0) responses received in opposition of the request. Staff Findings and Recommendation Staff will like to outline the following findings: • The development will be the first of its kind in the City, the location is ideal and will blend well with surrounding industrial uses. • The development is a low-intensity industrial use; there is still reason for potential nuisance or impacts to the area. The applicant has assured staff there would be no adverse impacts with this development. • The applicant has submitted some documents to give more information on the project (see attached documents) FINANCIAL: __X_ There is no financial impact associated with this item _____ Item is budgeted: (______-______-______) In the amount of $__________ _____ Item is not budgeted (Budget Amendment required; please attach BA ordinance) Amount: $____________ GL Account #: ______________________________ _____ Item is estimated to generate additional revenue: ___________________________________ CITY CONTACT: Leo Mantey, Planning Director manteyl@ci.nacogdoches.tx.us 559-2572 ATTACHMENTS: Application Location Map Aerial Map Zoning map Future Land Use Map Notification Map Site Plan Brief Description of Solaro Energy LT 3-A BK 61 LT 1-D BK 61 LT 19 BK 95 LT 1-C BK 60 LT 17-4 BK 95 LT 17-3 BK 95 LT 17-5 BK 95 LT 1-C-1BK 60LT 1-C-2BK 60 LT 1-D-2BK 60 LT 1-D BK 60 LT 1-D-1 BK 60 LT 2-A BK 60LT 2-B BK 60 LT 2-C BK 60 LT 2 BK 60 LT 17-A-1BK 95 LT 17-A-2BK 95 LT 17-A BK 95 LT 1 BK 60 LT 1 BK 60 LT 1-A-1BK 60 LT 3-A-2BK 60 LT 6 BK 61 LT 8 BK 95 LT 16 BK 95 LT 1-B BK 61 LT 1-B BK 60 LT BK 60 LT BK LT 3-BBK 61 LT 3 BK 61 LT 4-A BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 4-B BK 61 LT 4-B BK 61 LT 5-A BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 1-E BK 61 LT 3-B BK 61 LT 3 BK 61 LT 14 BK 95 LT 2-A-1BK 60 LT 2-D BK 60 LT 2-A BK 60 LT 2 BK 60 LT 2-D BK 60 LT 1BK 60 LT 1-A-1BK 61 LT 3 BK 60 LT 4 BK 60 LT 1-F BK 61 LT 6 BK 60 LT 1-A-5 BK 61 LT 5-HBK 61 LT 5BK 61 2915 3009 3815 3417 2831 28242831 2819 2810 2614 2518 2717 2703 3715 3715 2631 3121 3007 2720 2721 2829 3501 2701 3415 3321 3715 37153715371537153715 3715371537153715 3715 37153715371537153715371537153715 3611 3715 N W S T A L L I N G S D R N W S T A L L I N G S D R OLD LO O NEYVILLE RD OLD TYLER RD W A U S T I N S T µ 0 370 740 1,110 1,480185FeetCreated by; Sara BrownDate: June 27, 2019 Lot 17-5 Blk 95 Location Map Legend LT17_5 Parcels City Limits R A M P R A M P R A M P LT 3-A BK 61 LT 1-D BK 61 LT 19 BK 95 LT 1-C BK 60 LT 17-4 BK 95 LT 17-3 BK 95 LT 17-5 BK 95 LT 1-C-1BK 60LT 1-C-2BK 60 LT 1-D-2BK 60 LT 1-D BK 60 LT 1-D-1 BK 60 LT 2-A BK 60LT 2-B BK 60 LT 2-C BK 60 LT 2 BK 60 LT 17-A-1BK 95 LT 17-A-2BK 95 LT 17-A BK 95 LT 1 BK 60 LT 1 BK 60 LT 1-A-1BK 60 LT 3-A-2BK 60 LT 6 BK 61 LT 8 BK 95 LT 16 BK 95 LT 1-B BK 61 LT 1-B BK 60 LT BK 60 LT BK LT 3-BBK 61 LT 3 BK 61 LT 4-A BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 4-B BK 61 LT 4-B BK 61 LT 5-A BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 1-E BK 61 LT 3-B BK 61 LT 3 BK 61 LT 14 BK 95 LT 2-A-1BK 60 LT 2-D BK 60 LT 2-A BK 60 LT 2 BK 60 LT 2-D BK 60 LT 1BK 60 LT 1-A-1BK 61 LT 3 BK 60 LT 4 BK 60 LT 1-F BK 61 LT 6 BK 60 LT 1-A-5 BK 61 LT 5-HBK 61 LT 5BK 61 2915 3009 3815 3417 2831 28242831 2819 2810 2614 2518 2717 2703 3715 3715 2631 3121 3007 2720 2721 2829 3501 2701 3415 3321 3715 37153715371537153715 3715371537153715 3715 37153715371537153715371537153715 3611 3715 N W S T A L L I N G S D R N W S T A L L I N G S D R OLD LO O NEYVILLE RD OLD TYLER RD W A U S T I N S T µ 0 370 740 1,110 1,480185FeetCreated by; Sara BrownDate: June 27, 2019 Lot 17-5 Blk 95 Aerial Map Legend LT17_5 Parcels City Limits N W S T A L L I N G S D R N W S T A L L I N G S D R OLD LO O NEYVILLE RD OLD TYLER RD W A U S T I N S T B-2 B-2 B-2 R-3 µ 0 370 740 1,110 1,480185FeetCreated by; Sara BrownDate: June 27, 201 9 Lot 17-5 Blk 95 Zoning Map Legend LT17_5 Blk 95 Parcels City Limits Agriculture General Business Two Family LT 3-A BK 61 LT 1-D BK 61 LT 19 BK 95 LT 1-C BK 60 LT 17-4 BK 95 LT 17-3 BK 95 LT 17-5 BK 95 LT 1-C-1BK 60LT 1-C-2BK 60 LT 1-D-2BK 60 LT 1-D BK 60 LT 1-D-1 BK 60 LT 2-A BK 60LT 2-B BK 60 LT 2-C BK 60 LT 2 BK 60 LT 17-A-1BK 95 LT 17-A-2BK 95 LT 17-A BK 95 LT 1 BK 60 LT 1 BK 60 LT 1-A-1BK 60 LT 3-A-2BK 60 LT 6 BK 61 LT 8 BK 95 LT 16 BK 95 LT 1-B BK 61 LT 1-B BK 60 LT BK 60 LT BK LT 3-BBK 61 LT 3 BK 61 LT 4-A BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 4-B BK 61 LT 4-B BK 61 LT 5-A BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 1-E BK 61 LT 3-B BK 61 LT 3 BK 61 LT 14 BK 95 LT 2-A-1BK 60 LT 2-D BK 60 LT 2-A BK 60 LT 2 BK 60 LT 2-D BK 60 LT 1BK 60 LT 1-A-1BK 61 LT 3 BK 60 LT 4 BK 60 LT 1-F BK 61 LT 6 BK 60 LT 1-A-5 BK 61 LT 5-HBK 61 LT 5BK 61 2915 3009 3815 3417 2831 28242831 2819 2810 2614 2518 2717 2703 3715 3715 2631 3121 3007 2720 2721 2829 3501 2701 3415 3321 3715 37153715371537153715 3715371537153715 3715 37153715371537153715371537153715 3611 3715 N W S T A L L I N G S D R N W S T A L L I N G S D R OLD LO O NEYVILLE RD OLD TYLER RD W A U S T I N S T µ 0 370 740 1,110 1,480185FeetCreated by; Sara BrownDate: June 27, 2019 Lot 17-5 Blk 95 Future Land Use Map Legend LT17_5 Parcels City Limits Commercial Parks and Recreation Single Family Residential LT 3-A BK 61 LT 1-D BK 61 LT 19 BK 95 LT 1-C BK 60 LT 17-4 BK 95 LT 17-3 BK 95 LT 17-5 BK 95 LT 1-C-1BK 60LT 1-C-2BK 60 LT 1-D-2BK 60 LT 1-D BK 60 LT 1-D BK 60 LT 1-D-1 BK 60 LT 2-A BK 60LT 2-B BK 60 LT 2-C BK 60 LT 2 BK 60 LT 17-A-1BK 95 LT 17-A-2BK 95 LT 17-A BK 95 LT 1 BK 60 LT 1 BK 60 LT 1-A-1BK 60 LT 3-A-2BK 60 LT 6 BK 61 LT 8BK 95 LT 16 BK 95 LT 1-B BK 61 LT 1-B BK 60 LT BK 60 LT BK LT 3-BBK 61 LT 3 BK 61 LT 4-A BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 12 BK 61 LT 4-B BK 61 LT 4-B BK 61 LT 5-A BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 1-E BK 61 LT 3-B BK 61 LT 3 BK 61 LT 2 BK 61 LT 14 BK 95 LT 2-A-1BK 60 LT 2-D BK 60 LT 2-A BK 60 LT 2 BK 60 LT 2-D BK 60 LT 1BK 60 LT 1-A-1BK 61 LT 3 BK 60 LT 4 BK 60 LT 1-F BK 61 LT 6 BK 60 LT 1-A-5 BK 61 LT 5-HBK 61 LT 5-HBK 61 2915 3009 3815 3417 282428312831 2819 2810 2614 2518 2717 2703 3309 3715 2631 3121 3007 2720 2721 2829 3501 2701 3415 3321 3715 37153715371537153715 3715371537153715 3715 3715371537153715371537153715 3611 N W S T A L L I N G S D R N W S T A L L I N G S D R OLD LO O NEYVILLE RD OLD TYLER RD W A U S T I N S T µ 0 370 740 1,110 1,480185FeetCreated by; Sara BrownDate: June 27, 2019 Lot 17-5 Blk 95 Notification Map Legend 200 Ft Buffer LT17_5 Selected Parcels Parcels City Limits The Solaro Aire™ is the world’s most advanced, fully integrated, high efficiency Solar Powered attic Fan. Keep in mind that the attic fan will not make the attic cooler than outside ambient temperature. pg. 76 pg. 77 pg. 81