P&Z_Final_PacketPLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING September 9, 2019 City of Nacogdoches Planning Department 202 E. Pilar – PO Box 635030 – Nacogdoches, TX 75963 936-559-2502  Fax 936-559-2912  www.ci.nacogdoches.tx.us Home of Stephen F. Austin State University  www.sfasu.edu THE NACOGDOCHES CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION WILL MEET IN REGULAR SESSION, Monday, September 9, 2019, AT 5:00 P.M. IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER ROOM 119 AT 202 EAST PILAR STREET TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING AGENDA ITEMS. ALL AGENDA ITEMS ARE SUBJECT TO ACTION. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes: Consider and take action for the Minutes from the July 8, 2019 Regular Session 3. Outcome from City Council Meeting on July 16, 2019. 4. Public Hearing: Consider a request for a Zone Change from B-2, General Business, to B-3, Central Business, for Lots 17, 18, Parcel ID 22764, and 17-A, and Part of Lot 13, Parcel ID 22765, City Block 3, generally located at the block along East Hospital Street, between North Church Street and North Mound Street. 5. Staff Update on Corridor Studies. 5. Adjourn:______________ _________________________________ Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant The City Council Chambers is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Planning Department at (936) 559-2571 or FAX (936) 559-2910 for further information. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the public notice board at City Hall, 202 East Pilar Street, on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. I further certify that the News Media were properly notified of this meeting as stated above. ______________________________________ Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission was removed by me from the directory outside City Hall on the _______ day of _____________________, 2019. Name: _____________________________ Title:_______________________________________ PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE JULY 8, 2019 REGULAR SESSION P&Z Minutes Page 1 MINUTES TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD July 8, 2019– 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers Members Present: R.J. Bohac, Stephanie Malott, Ken Deppisch, Don Mills Members Absent: Nancy Day Staff Present: Leo Mantey, Jerri Turner, Sara Brown Others Present: Michelle Ray 1. Call to Order: Commissioner Bohac called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. 2. Approval of minutes: May 13, 2019 Regular Session Commissioner Deppisch made a motion to approve the minutes, Commissioner Mills seconded the motion and the request was passed unanimously. 3. Outcome from City Council Meeting on June 18, 2019. City Planning Staff, Jerri Turner, advised the board of the previous City Council Meeting. She stated that the outcome for the Specific Use Permit to construct a park/sporting field complex for Boys and Girls Club was Planning and Zoning voted 4-0 and City Council voted 3-0. Also the request for a Historic Overlay, for Lot 10-A, City Block 62, located at 909 Cariker Street, Nacogdoches Street. She stated the outcome was Planning and Zoning Commission voted in favor 4-0 and City Council approved 3-0. 4. Public Hearing: Consider the request for a Specific Use Permit to allow a light manufacturing company in a B-2, General Business zoning district, for Lot 17-5, City Block 95, Parcel ID 26728, generally located on NW Stallings Drive. Director of Planning, Leo Mantey explained this light manufacturing company and that this is a vacant property. It is a total of 3.3 acres. The company is Solero Energy, which headquarters are in New Mexico. This is manufacturing ventilation systems and light production. There will be no chemicals, and no toxic materials. This district allows for it with a Specific Use Permit. The board can make conditions. Applicant will do more than expected on landscaping to make it look pretty. Michelle Ray stated that she is the product manager of the Nacogdoches facility. The new construction will be done in three phases. They will employ 30-50 employees. They will be producing solar powered attic fans, solar panels, etc… Chairman Bohac asked about noise or sound. Michelle Ray stated no it is just assembly work and powder coating. Commissioner Deppisch stated that trucks would be bringing parts in and then they would assemble. Michelle Ray stated that they would be cutting sheet metal, bend, powder coat and ship out as fans. Deppisch asked about truck traffic. Michelle Ray stated that the biggest parts that would be coming in on trucks would be motors. Most parts are finger size. Commissioner Malott asked if there was a monthly quota. Ray stated she is thinking approximately 50 a week. P&Z Minutes Page 2 Commissioner Malott asked if the product would be offered locally. Ray stated at the time they are distributed out. Malott asked how long it would be before they would be up and running. Ray stated approximately a year. Director of Planning, Leo Mantey stated that this goes to City Council on August 6th. Commissioner Deppisch stated he had no problem if its not going to impact traffic and can be gone safely. He also stated that he hopes they produce so much that they have to move to a bigger location. Chairman Bohac asked if there were any further questions. There were none. He called for a motion. Commissioner Mills made a motion to approve request. Commissioner Deppisch seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Deppisch asked if there were any regulations at all. ADJOURNED: Meeting was adjourned at 5:25 pm _________________________________ Chairman, R.J. Bohac _________________________________ Attest: Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 3 DISCUSS OUTCOME FROM CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JULY 16, 2019: SUP-02 Specific Use Permit to construct a light manufacturing company Planning and Zoning Commission voted in favor 4-0 City Council approved 5-0 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 4 PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM B-2, GENERAL BUSINESS, TO B-3, CENTRAL BUSINESS, FOR LOTS 17, 18, PARCEL ID 22764, AND 17-A, AND PART OF LOT 13, PARCEL ID 22765, CITY BLOCK 3, GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE BLOCK ALONG EAST HOSPITAL STREET, BETWEEN NORTH CHURCH STREET AND NORTH MOUND STREET. Planning and Zoning Commission Date: September 9 2019 Agenda Item: 3 PRESENTER: Leo Mantey, Planning Director ITEM/SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Consider ordinance amending the boundaries of a zoning district within the City of Nacogdoches from B-2, General Business, to B-3, Central Business, for Lots 17, 18, Parcel ID 22764, and 17-A, and Part of 13, Parcel ID 22765. City Block 3, generally located at the block along East Hospital Street, between North Church Street and North Mound Street. Submitted by the George Barham IV. ZON2019-04. Background The request is for a zone change from B-2, General Business, to B-3, Central Business, for Lots 17, 18, Parcel ID 22764, and 17-A, and Part of 13, Parcel ID 22765. City Block 3, generally located at the block along East Hospital Street, between North Church Street and North Mound Street. The block is made up of three parcels. Three parcels are being rezoned to B-3. One of the parcels is vacant and serves as a parking lot. The applicant proposes to redevelop the parking lot into a mixed use development that will comprise of residences and offices. Existing Land Use Two of the lots are currently being utilized for commercial businesses and parking. The third lot which will be developed for the mixed use project is currently a paved lot that serve as a private parking facility. The surrounding land uses are as follows: To the north are residences. To the south are offices and professional services, such as a law office and insurance agency. To the east are retail, professional services, and a brewery. To the west is the Fredonia Hotel and Convention Center, which functions with a hotel and restaurant inside. Staff does not believe that the introduction of a mixed use development will create additional automobile traffic that will negatively impact the surrounding land uses. It will likely provide a catalyst for further economic development in the area. Zoning The zoning designations for the properties are B-2, General Business. Surrounding zoning includes: North B-2, General Business South B-2, General Business and B-3, Central Business East B-2, General Business West B-3, Central Business All of the zoning districts in a 200 foot radius are commercial. The major difference between B-2, General Business, and B-3, Central Business, is that the former allows for higher-intensity lands uses by-right. These include general Transportation, Storage, and Auto services. B-3, Central Business, either does not allow these land uses or restricts them through a Specific Use Permit process. B-3, Central Business, also allows for mixed uses in development patterns, such as one building having commercial on the first floor and residential on the second floor. B-2, General Business, restricts and excludes different intensity land North Residence South Offices / Services East Retail / Brewery West Hotel / Services Planning and Zoning Commission Date: September 9 2019 Agenda Item: 3 uses from mixing inside the same structure. Future build-out on the vacant parcels will be restricted to exclusionary land uses unlike the compact and efficient downtown area. Staff does not believe that the introduction of a mixed use development will likely have an adverse impact on surrounding residential or retail uses, nor will increased automobile traffic negatively impact the adjacent corridors. Future Land Use Per the 2003 Nacogdoches Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land Use designates the property as Central City Mixed Use. Surrounding Future Land Use designation as follows: North Central City Mixed Use South Central City Mixed Use East Central City Mixed Use West Central City Mixed Use Central City Mixed Use Land Uses, per the Comprehensive Plan, is dictated as, “Central core of the City, in and around the traditional downtown, where a mix of retail, office, residential and public uses is permitted and encouraged subject to development and compatibility standards.” The current development is in line with the Future Land Use Plan, and this rezoning will facilitate compatible and proper redevelopment on the subject property that conforms to the Future Land Use Plan. Flood Damage Prevention: Per the FEMA Floodplain Map, there is no portion of the property that falls in the 100 or 500 foot floodplain area. Notices: Staff sent out 23 notices to property owners within the 200 foot notification area. There were zero (0) responses received in favor of the request, and zero (0) responses received in opposition of the request. Staff Findings and Recommendation Staff will like to outline the following findings:  The current development is allowed by-right in both B-2, General Business, and B-3, Central Business. However, mixed use development is not allowed in the current zoning district, nor is transportation, general auto services, and storage services restricted in the current zoning district.  Rezoning to B-3, Central Business, will restrict future redevelopment, allow less-intense uses on site, and permit mixed use development that is compatible with surrounding uses. Staff believes it is unlikely that future development will have neither a negative impact on surrounding commercial uses nor the residential streets on the perimeter of the area.  Redeveloping the parking lot into a mixed use development will turn a largely inefficient land use into a high-return parcel that should generate exceptional tax revenue for the City while also remaining compatible with the surrounding neighborhood character. Planning and Zoning Commission Date: September 9 2019 Agenda Item: 3 Based on the above findings, Staff would recommend the Planning and Zoning Commission do approve the proposed rezoning request from B-2, General Business, to B-3, Central Business. FINANCIAL: __X_ There is no financial impact associated with this item _____ Item is budgeted: (______-______-______) In the amount of $__________ _____ Item is not budgeted (Budget Amendment required; please attach BA ordinance) Amount: $____________ GL Account #: ______________________________ _____ Item is estimated to generate additional revenue: ___________________________________ CITY CONTACT: Leo Mantey, Planning Director manteyl@ci.nacogdoches.tx.us 559-2572 ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Aerial Map Zoning Map Future Land Use Map Notification Map Site Photos PRICE AVE N FREDONIA STALLEYN CHURCH STEDWARDS ST ARNOLD ST COMMERCE ST WALKER AVEN MOUND STE HOSPITAL ST E HOSPITAL ST N MOUND STE HOSPITAL STN CHURCH STN MOUND STN MOUND STN FREDONIA STN CHURCH STE HOSPITAL ST Legend Subject Properties Z O N 1 9 -0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 L O C A T I O N M A PZON19-0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 L O C A T I O N M A P · 90 0 90 180 27045 Feet Date: 8/21/2019 Prepared by: Leo Mantey PRICE AVE N FREDONIA STALLEYN CHURCH STEDWARDS ST ARNOLD ST COMMERCE ST WALKER AVEN MOUND STE HOSPITAL ST E HOSPITAL ST N MOUND STE HOSPITAL STN CHURCH STN MOUND STN MOUND STN FREDONIA STN CHURCH STE HOSPITAL ST Legend Subject Properties Z O N 1 9 -0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 A E R I A L M A PZON19-0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 A E R I A L M A P · 90 0 90 180 27045 Feet Date: 8/21/2019 Prepared by: Leo Mantey B-3 B-3 B-2 B-2 B-2B-3 B-2 B-2 B-2B-3 B-3 R-4 R-2 R-4 B-3 R-4R-4 PRICE AVE N FREDONIA STALLEYN CHURCH STEDWARDS ST ARNOLD ST COMMERCE ST WALKER AVEN MOUND STE HOSPITAL ST E HOSPITAL ST N MOUND STE HOSPITAL STN CHURCH STN MOUND STN MOUND STN FREDONIA STN CHURCH STE HOSPITAL ST Legend Subject Properties General Business Central Business Single Family Multi Family Z O N 1 9 -0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 Z O N I N G M A PZON19-0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 Z O N I N G M A P · 90 0 90 180 27045 Feet Date: 8/21/2019 Prepared by: Leo Mantey PRICE AVE N FREDONIA STALLEYN CHURCH STEDWARDS ST ARNOLD ST COMMERCE ST WALKER AVEN MOUND STE HOSPITAL ST E HOSPITAL ST N MOUND STE HOSPITAL STN CHURCH STN MOUND STN MOUND STN FREDONIA STN CHURCH STE HOSPITAL ST Legend Subject PropertiesFuture Land Use Central City Mixed Use Public Single Family Residential Z O N 1 9 -0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 F L U MZON19-0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 F L U M · 90 0 90 180 27045 Feet Date: 8/21/2019 Prepared by: Leo Mantey PRICE AVE N FREDONIA STALLEYN CHURCH STEDWARDS ST ARNOLD ST COMMERCE ST WALKER AVEN MOUND STE HOSPITAL ST E HOSPITAL ST N MOUND STE HOSPITAL STN CHURCH STN MOUND STN MOUND STN FREDONIA STN CHURCH STE HOSPITAL ST Legend 200Ft Notification Area Notified Properties Subject Properties Z O N 1 9 -0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 N O T I F I C AT I O N M A PZON19-0 4 L O T 1 7 A -1 8 B L K 3 N O T I F I C AT I O N M A P · 90 0 90 180 27045 Feet Date: 8/22/2019 Prepared by: Leo Mantey Site View South View East View North View West View South View Z2019-04 SITE PHOTOS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM 5 STAFF UPDATE ON CORRIDOR STUDIES.