P&Z Agenda Packet 7-13-2020 11 .N h aco. do C es.. theolds in Texas %ampe Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission to be held on July 13, 2020 at 5:00 p.m., via videoconference, for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action. In accordance with Orders of the Governor due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Nacogdoches Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will be conducted via teleconference or videoconference. Planning and Zoning Commissioners will attend virtually and a quorum will not be present in a physical location. The meeting will be streamed live at www.ci.nacogdoches.tx.us/21. There will be an opportunity for the public to comment on agenda items. Members of the public who wish to submit comments on a listed agenda item must contact the Planning and Zoning office by email at turnerjp@ci.nacogdoches.tx.us or by calling 936-559-2574 and providing their name, telephone number and relevant agenda item upon which they wish to speak. All requests to make comments must be received by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, July 13, 2020. For all timely requests received, staff will call the submitted phone numbers directly during the meeting when the corresponding item comes up for comment. 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes: Consider and take action for the Minutes from the May 11, 2020 Regular Session 3. Consider approval for the Final Plat for the ETBR Subdivision No. 1, located at 1718 South University Drive. 4. Consider a request for an Exception to Zoning Ordinance Section 118-429, "Commercial sites with residential adjacency," to waive the requirement for a screening fence for a nonresidential development adjacent to residentially zoned properties for Lots 13, 14, 15 and a portion of Lot 16, Block 1, Section 1 of the Colonial Hills Subdivision, located at 3123 Appleby Sand Road. This request has been submitted by Charles Shugart, Case File EXC2020-01. 5. Adjourn: Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant The City Council Chambers is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Planning Department at (936) 559-2574 or FAX (936) 559-2910 for further information. CERTIFICATION I certify that the above notice was posted on the public notice board at City Hall, 202 East Pilar Street, on Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. I further certify that the News Media were properly notified of this meeting as stated above. Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the Planning &Zoning Commission was removed by me from the directory outside City Hall on the day of Name: Title: City of Nacogdoches Planning Department 202 E. Pilar— PO Box 635030— Nacogdoches, TX 75963 936-559-2574 • Fax 936-559-2912 • www.ci.nacogdoches.tx.us Home of Stephen F.Austin State University 9 www.sfasu.edu MINUTES TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 11, 2020—5:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting Members Present: Nancy Day, Stephanie Malott, Don Mills, R.J. Bohac, Ken Deppisch Members Absent: None Staff Present: Staff Assistant, Jerri Turner, City Planner, Alaina Chafin, IT Technician, Justin Bailey, City Engineer, Steve Bartlett Others Present: Janay Harman, Charles Shugart, J.D. Blacklock, Cindy German, Janet Fults 1. Call to Order: Chairman Bohac called the meeting to order at 5.05 pm. 2. Approval of minutes: March 9, 2020 Regular Session Commissioner Deppisch made a motion to approve the minutes, and Commissioner Malott seconded the motion and the request was passed unanimously. 3. Consider the request for a Specific Use Permit to allow for Mini Warehouse facility in a B-2 General Business zoning district, for Lot 1, of the Maxwell Addition Subdivision, located at 6825 North Street. Planning Director, Alaina Chafin stated that this project is permitted in a B-2 zoning district, but with a Specific Use Permit. It is a 3 phase project and they are now on the 2nd phase, which is under construction. These plans were permitted in September of 2017 and December of 2018. This was during a time when offices were under Interim direction and during review, staff missed this zoning. We are retroactively asking for a Specific Use Permit. Their hours are 9-5 Monday through Friday and 9-12 on Saturday. It is gated and low in intensity. There have no complaints since construction began. Staff received no response in favor or against. Staff recommends approval of the request. Chairman Bohac called for comments and there were none. He opened the public hearing. J.D. Blacklock stated that he is the developer. His parents have been in the storage business all his life. He just wants to make this property as nice and clean as he can. Chairman Bohac stated that there are some units there and asked if he is just adding more storage. J.D. Blacklock stated yes. Chairman Bohac called for any more comments for or against the request. There were none. He called for a motion. Commissioner Deppisch made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Day seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.(5-0) 4. Consider the request for a Specific Use Permit to allow for a Garden Shop & Plant Sales— Display or Greenhouse, in a B-1 Local Business zoning district, for Lots 13, 149 15, and a portion of Lot 16, Block 1, Section 1, of the Colonial Hills Subdivision recorded in Volume 2536, Page 264 of the Deed of Records of Nacogdoches County, Texas, located on the northwest corner of Appleby Sand Road and East Austin Street. Planning Director, Alaina Chafin, stated that in 2004 there was a similar plant nursery at this same location. It was abandoned for over a period of 180 days so therefore the Specific Use Permit expired. The primary use of the business would be morning and afternoon hours. She stated there is a two way drive off of Appleby Sand Road and a one way off of Austin Street. The applicant does plan on providing additional parking and preserving trees. P&Z Minutes Page 1 Commissioner Day asked if Staff had any concerns of drainage issues. City Engineer, Steve Bartlett, stated that the applicants will have to provide a site plan that will show drainage plans, to be reviewed. Commissioner Malott asked about a buffer. Director of Planning, Alaina Chafin stated that a 6' fence and a 10' landscape buffer would be required with a 20' setback. Charles Shugart stated that this is the Specific Use Permit stage. They are excited about regenerating this corner. He stated that he plans to open within the next two months. City Engineer, Steve Bartlett, stated that when the site plan is submitted, staff would review it and they will have to show how they will manage the runoff of sand and water. Chairman Bohac asked what he meant by manage. Steve Bartlett stated they would have to have something that would emulate the flow. Chairman Bohac asked if there were any further questions. There were none so he opened the public hearing. Janet Fults was called into the virtual meeting. She stated that she lives on Colonial Drive and her backyard backs up to this property. She is concerned about the erosion issue caused from continued water and sand runoff. The drainage issue is ongoing. She stated that the nursery is the best possible option. Cindy German was also called into the virtual meeting. She stated that one her biggest concern is the water runoff. She asked would it be monitored to make sure that the owners are not going to pave or do more than they say. Director of Planning, Alaina Chafin stated that there is some existing parking and there will be some additional. We will review that on the site plan. Commissioner Day stated that as the proposal goes through, the entire drainage issue will be looked at by City staff. Cindy German stated she is ok as long as the drainage issue is addressed. Steve Bartlett stated that when they submit a site plan, it will show everything. We will look at how the water runoff is managed. Chairman Bohac asked if there were any further questions or comments. Commissioner Malott asked if the residents noticed if the water was coming from that property or the street area. Steve Bartlett stated that the City Assistant Engineer, Case Opperman, had gone out earlier today and looked at it. He said there was some runoff from the street curbs. That issue will have to be addressed with TXDOT. Chairman Bohac asked if there were any further comments or discussion. Commissioner Deppisch stated that he saw no reason for conditions, best to approve as is. Chairman Bohac called for a motion. Commissioner Day made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Deppisch seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously. (5-0) 5. Public Hearing: Consider ordinance amending Chapter 18, "Zoning", Article VI, "Development Standards", Division I, "Generally," Section 118-428, "Commercial sites with residential P&Z Minutes Page 2 adjacency," of the City of Nacogdoches, Texas Code of Ordinances, providing a severability clause; providing a repeal clause; and providing an effective date. Director of Planning, Alaina Chafin, stated that she is assessing the City ordinances and proposing amendments as needed. Chafin went over the proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance and recommended approval. Commissioner Day stated that she thinks this is a good idea to maintain and save what is there. Commissioner Malott stated that she is surprised this has not already been put into play. Chairman Bohac stated that this makes perfect sense. He called for a motion. Commissioner Malott made a motion to approve the amendment. Commissioner Day seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. (5-0) ADJOURNED: Meeting was adjourned at 6.00 pm Chairman, R.J. Bohac Attest: Jerri Turner, Planning Assistant P&Z Minutes Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission Ydoches Date: July 13, 2020 NacoL .te oesi to7vn in Texe:is Agenda Item: 3 PRESENTER: Alaina Chafin,City Planner ITEM/SUBJECT: Consider approval of a Final Plat of the ETBR Subdivision No. 1,Block 1,Lots 1 and 2. OVERVIEW: This subdivision has street frontage on both S. University Drive and Bennett Clark Road. The proposed plat would create two industrial lots. STAFF REVIEW: The City Planner and City Engineer have reviewed the proposal and found that the design conforms to City standards. The lots are 3 acres and 2.6 acres respectively. The City Engineer has determined there are currently no drainage issues.A 12-inch water main and sewer main are located along S.University Drive,and a 6-inch water main is located along Bennett Clark Road. This subdivision plat must be reviewed by the Planning&Zoning Commission because Lot 2 will require the extension of municipal facilities. Both Lots 1 and 2 have access to a public street and access to City water facilities; however, Lot 2 will require the extension of City sanitary sewer services. These utility extensions will be installed at the time of site development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. FINANCIAL: X There is no financial impact associated with this item Item is budgeted: ( - - ) In the amount of$ Item is not budgeted(Budget Amendment required;please attach BA ordinance) Amount: $ GL Account#: Item is estimated to generate additional revenue: CITY CONTACT: Alaina Chafin,City Planner chafina@ci.nacogdoches.tx.us 559-2572 ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Plat Exhibit �,a a T . ' �► lift,]t IP� • co r - O N '."- t ON .. ON r s r r ' {•� ` • • CD C. * �` _ _ - • CD In 4 Ar 41 IL P . 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Eg�--mguo�,los FZ9'96L 3 90JI.00 Sl ui M.9t la Lu clj 0 C, uj c) 0 CL p —J LU CL C14 CL 6 0 U) - C%4 g,qj.tO N Izz Z Z - .90' M Q. zCo.:K o 04 cl� C) Lu Q Lu LL C) of LU LU Lu ct Cc C) Q. 1 s s Q. �5 E X 0 co LL LU ca INE RN -6 E _lam Planning g and Zoning Commission Date: July 13, 2020 Nlacoi7,doches st t n n Te.v( Agenda Item: 4 PRESENTER: Alaina Chafin, City Planner ITEM/SUBJECT Consider a request for an Exception to Zoning Ordinance Section 118-429, "Commercial sites with residential adjacency," to waive the requirement for a screening fence for a nonresidential development adjacent to residentially zoned properties for Lots 13, 14, 15 and a portion of Lot 16, Block 1, Section 1 of the Colonial Hills Subdivision,located at 3123 Appleby Sand Road.This request has been submitted by Charles Shugart, Case File EXC2020-01. TYPE OF REQUEST Exception to the requirement for a screening fence for a nonresidential development adjacent to residentially zoned properties. Zoning Ordinance Section 118-429 - Commercial site with residential adjacency states that: Where nonresidential sites are immediately adjacent to residentially zoned properties... a solid screening wall shall be constructed on the nonresidential property in close proximity to the residential property line in order to screen views and windblown trash and debris. In addition, a ten-foot wide landscaped buffer with one tree for each 25 feet of common adjacency shall be provided. The Zoning Ordinance grants the Planning&Zoning Commission authority to approve an Exception to the screening fence requirement based on a recommendation from the City Planner. One or more of the following conditions must be present or apply for consideration of an exception: i. The required fence or wall and buffer yard is adjacent to a natural feature, such as a creek or FEMA designated floodway. Under this provision the requirement for a fence may be waived if a 30-foot landscape buffer is provided and preserved in its natural state between the developed area and the natural feature. In addition, one tree shall be provided for each 25 feet of common adjacency. The tree shall be a preserved tree or, if a newly planted tree, shall be a minimum container size of five gallons at the time of planting. ii. Vegetation exists which is at least six feet high and non-transparent year-round, and visibly separates one (1) use from another and shields or blocks noise, glares, or other nuisances. The existing vegetation shall consist of canopy and non-canopy trees which are shown through a tree survey, and is protected in accordance with Section 118-431.c, Tree planting equivalency credits, of this Zoning Ordinance. Landscape buffer yards under this provision shall be a minimum of fifteen (1S) feet wide. SUMMARY/BACKGROUND The applicant, Charles Shugart, has submitted construction plans to develop a Plant Nursery at 3123 Appleby Sand Road. This property is zoned B-1 Local Business, and received approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for this development in May of 2020. Planning and Zoning Commission Nlacoi7,doches Date: July 13, 2020 sr tr�wn era Tc�.E��: �— Agenda Item: 4 The proposed site plan complies with the conditions of the SUP, including the preservation of several large trees located along the western boundary of the property, abutting the Colonial Hills single family subdivision (Zoned R-1 Single Family), which is intended to provide an additional natural buffer. The proposed land use is low-intensity in nature, and all of the improvements and commercial activities are located on the east and south side of the property, away from the residential area,as noted on the site plan. The applicant intends to construct approximately 85 feet of screening fence along a portion of the western property line abutting the residentially zoned property (outlined in red on the attached exhibit), and proposes to preserve the existing vegetation (outlined in green) along the remainder of the property line in lieu of the required screening fence. This vegetation will be preserved in a 15-foot landscape buffer and will be protected during any construction activity. PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Frontage: The subject property has approximately 570 feet of frontage on Appleby Sand Road and East Austin Street. 2. Access: The subject property takes access from Appleby Sand Road,with an exit-only driveway on East Austin Street. 3. Topography and vegetation: The eastern portion of the property is relatively flat along Appleby Sand Road,and the property has a 5-foot decrease in slope back towards the western boundary of the property. There are several large,mature trees that have been preserved onsite,and the applicant has preserved a 15-foot tree preservation area with existing mature vegetation along the western property line.There is also an existing natural berm located adjacent to the 15-foot tree preservation area which the applicant will maintain. 4. Floodplain: The subject property is not located within the FEMA regulated floodplain. REVIEW CRITERIA Per Section 118.429(b) of the applicant must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission that following criteria has been satisfied: Vegetation exists which is at least six feet high and non-transparent year-round, and visibly separates one (1) use from another and shields or blocks noise, glares, or other nuisances. The existing vegetation shall consist of canopy and non-canopy trees which are shown through a tree survey, and is protected in accordance with Section 118-431.c, Tree planting equivalency credits, of this Zoning Ordinance. Landscape buffer yards under this provision shall be a minimum of fifteen (IS) feet wide. STAFF FINDINGS Staff has inspected the site and finds that the request provides sufficient landscaping and screening to ensure harmony and compatibility with the adjacent residential property. The IS-foot tree preservation area, along with variation in topography of the site and the location of the other large mature trees which have been preserved, provides a visible separation between the commercial activities of the site and the residential area. These features also provide an additional buffer to blocks noise,glares and other nuisances from the adjacent property owners. Planning and Zoning Commission Nacq,,gdoches Date: July 13, 2020 the own in Ts �— Agenda Item: 4 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request. ATTACHMENTS: Aerial Map Zoning Map Site Plan Site Photos �,a a �Cfr -Y O .. _ SFr ,.y�Y t; -k. ' M .. •• - - 00 s00 - Ooo -. O7 - low s _ 00 =! v N M .. 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