P&Z Agenda Packet 9-14-20204 aco odes the oldest town in Texas Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission to be held on September 14, 2020 at 5:00 p.m., via videoconference, for the purpose of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action. In accordance with Orders of the Governor due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Nacogdoches Planning and Zoning Commission meeting will be conducted via teleconference or videoconference. Planning and Zoning Commissioners will attend virtually and a quorum will not be present in a physical location. The meeting will be streamed live at www.ci.nacoodoches.tx.us/21. There will be an opportunity for the public to comment on agenda items. Members of the public who wish to submit comments on a listed agenda item must contact the Planning and Zoning office by email at chafina(a)ci.nacoodoches.tx.us or by calling 936-559-2572 and providing their name, telephone number and relevant agenda item upon which they wish to speak. All requests to make comments must be received by 12:00 p.m. on Monday, September 14, 2020. For all timely requests received, staff will call the submitted phone numbers directly during the meeting when the corresponding item comes up for comment. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes: Consider and take action for the Minutes from the August 10, 2020 Regular Session 3. Public Hearing: Consider a Zone Change from R-4 Multi Family, to M Medical, for property being a portion of Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, of the Blount Estate Subdivision recorded in Volume 1404, Page 138 of the Deed of Records of Nacogdoches County, Texas, Property ID 27684, located at 614 East Starr Avenue. This request has been submitted by Christ Episcopal Church. 4. Public Hearing: Consider a Zone Change from PD Planned Development to PD Planned Development to amend the terms of the PD and the associated Development Plan for Lots 1 and 10, Block 1; Lots 1 and 10, Block 2; and Lots 1 and 18, Block 3 of the Austin Hills Subdivision. This request has been submitted by Varron McLemore. 5. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 6. Adjourn: Alaina Chafin, City Planner The City Council Chambers is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the City Planning Department at (936) 559-2572 or FAX (936) 559-2910 for further information. City of Nacogdoches Planning Department 202 E. Pilar — PO Box 635030 — Nacogdoches, TX 75963 936-559-2574 • Fax 936-559-2912 • www.ci.nacogdoches.tx.us Home of Stephen F. Austin State University • www.sfasu.edu N....aco do C" the oldest town in Texas CERTIFICATION .ies� I certify that the above notice was posted on the public notice board at City Hall, 202 East Pilar Street, on Wednesday, September 9, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. I further certify that the News Media were properly notified of this meeting as stated above. Alaina Chafin, City Planner I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items to be considered by the Planning & Zoning Commission was removed by me from the directory outside City Hall on the day of 2020. Name: Title: City of Nacogdoches Planning Department 202 E. Pilar — PO Box 635030 — Nacogdoches, TX 75963 936-559-2574 • Fax 936-559-2912 • www.ci.nacogdoches.tx.us Home of Stephen F. Austin State University • www.sfasu.edu MINUTES TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION August 10, 2020— 5:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting Members Present: Nancy Day, R.J. Bohac, Stephanie Malott, and Don Mills Members Absent: Ken Deppisch Staff Present: City Planner, Alaina Chafin; City Engineer, Steve Bartlett; and IT Technician, Justin Bailey Others Present: Mike Liebrum, Betty Jacobs 1. Call to Order: Chairman Bohac called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm. 2. Approval of minutes: July 13, 2020 Regular Session Commissioner Mills made a motion to approve the minutes, and Commissioner Day seconded the motion and the minutes were approved unanimously. Consider a Zone Change from R-3, Two Family, to B-1 Local Business, for property consisting of 0.12 acre, being a portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, City Block 53 of the Cleaver Subdivision recorded in Volume 1839, Page 109 of the Deed of Records of Nacogdoches County, Texas, Property ID 28130, located at 1208 S. Shawnee Street. This request has been submitted by Betty Jacobs. Case File ZON2020-05. City Planner Chafin presented the Rezoning to the Commission, recommending approval. Chairman Bohac asked if this was considered a cleanup item since the subject property was meant to be included in the initial rezoning in 2003. City Planner Chafin stated yes, at the time of the rezoning in 2003 the applicant also owned this portion of the property, and the applicant always intended for it to be zoned B-1 Local Business but it was inadvertently left out of the request. Commissioner Bohac asked if anyone else on the Commission had any questions of Staff, and there were none. Chairman Bohac opened the public hearing. City Planner Chafin stated that no one had signed up to speak on this item. Chairman Bohac closed the public hearing. Chairman Bohac called for a motion. Commissioner Mills made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Malott seconded the motion and the request was approved unanimously. (4-0) 4. Consider a Zone Change from R-2 Single Family to R-4 Multi -Family for Lot 12, City Block 41, located at 1102 Logansport Street. This request has been submitted by RJ Bohac. Case File ZON2020-06. Chairman Bohac recused himself from this item since he is the applicant. Commissioner Malott stepped in as Chair for this item. City Planner Chafin presented the Rezoning to the Commission, recommending approval. P&Z Minutes Page 1 Commissioner Malott opened the public hearing. City Planner Chafin stated that no one had signed up to speak on this item. Commissioner Malott asked if anyone else on the Commission had any questions of Staff, and there none. Commissioner Malott closed the public hearing. Commissioner Malott asked if there were any further comments or questions, and there were none. Commissioner Malott called for a motion. Commissioner Mills made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Day seconded the motion and the request was approved unanimously. (3-0) 5. Consider a Specific Use Permit to allow for Mini Warehouse Self Storage in a B-2 General Business zoning district on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Cardinal Street Subdivision Phase 2, and Lot 4-C, City Block 54, located at 1605, 1711, and 1717 Cardinal Street. This request has been submitted by Mike Liebrum. Case File SUP2020-04. Chairman Bohac resumed his position as Chair for the remainder of the meeting. City Planner Chafin presented the Specific Use Permit to the Commission, recommending approval. Chairman Bohac asked if this was more of a housekeeping item to bring the properties into compliance. City Planner Chafin stated yes, the first phase is grandfathered in and the third phase was permitted but Staff missed the zoning during the development review process. This request will make the properties compliant in regards to zoning. Chairman Bohac asked if anyone else on the Commission had any questions of Staff, and there were none. Chairman Bohac opened the public hearing. Applicant Mike Liebrum said he was available to answer questions from the Commission. Chairman Bohac asked the applicant if he was planning to add any more buildings to what is already there. Mike Liebrum said no, they were not planning to add anymore buildings right now. Chairman Bohac asked if anyone on the Commission had any questions of the applicant, and there were none. Chairman Bohac closed the public hearing. Chairman Bohac called for a motion. Commissioner Malott made a motion to approve the request. Commissioner Mills seconded the motion and the request was approved unanimously. (4-0) 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Planning & Zoning Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. P&Z Minutes Page 2 City Planner Chafin presented this item to the Commission and explained this will be a recurring item on all future agenda and is meant to allow the Commission to ask general questions about ongoing or pending development and construction activities, clarifications on current Zoning or Subdivision Ordinance requirements, or to request future agenda items regarding topics of interest or concern. Chairman Bohac asked if the City Council was meeting virtually or in person. City Planner Chafin, stated that the Council is meeting virtually, but that Council has approved the acquisition of software and equipment that would allow public meetings in the Council Chambers to be held in a hybrid form, where some of the Council members are physically present and some can remote in at the same time. Right now the City only has the capability to do either all in person or all virtual. Chairman Bohac asked if anyone on the Commission had any other questions of Staff. Commissioner Malott asked about some construction activity on NE Stallings. City Engineer Bartlett stated this clearing activity is for the extension of a sanitary sewer and water line. Chairman Bohac asked about any new news on HEB. City Planner Chafin stated no, the City has not been contacted by HEB. Chairman Bohac asked about new construction on the old Peking site on North Street. City Planner Chafin stated this will be a new full -service car wash. Chairman Bohac asked if this item was appropriate to ask similar development questions. City Planner Chafin stated yes, and that Staff can create a monthly Development Update item with a list of permits submitted to the City and place it on the agenda for discussion. ADJOURNED: Meeting was adjourned at 5:31 pm Chairman, R.J. Bohac Attest: Alaina Chafin, City Planner P&Z Minutes Page 3 Naco�doches*#4 the oldest town in Texas PRESENTER: Alaina Chafin, City Planner Planning and Zoning Commission Date: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 3 ITEM/SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Consider an ordinance amending the boundaries of a zoning district within the City of Nacogdoches from R-4, Multi Family, to M, Medical, for property being a portion of Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, of the Blount Estate Subdivision recorded in Volume 1404, Page 138 of the Deed of Records of Nacogdoches County, Texas, Property ID 27684, located at 614 East Starr Avenue. This request has been submitted by Christ Episcopal Church. Case File ZON2020-07. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of a change of zoning for the subject property from R-4, Multi Family to M, Medical. SUMMARY/BACKGROUND: BackEround The request is for a zone change from R-4, Multi Family to M, Medical for 0.294 acres of land located at 614 East Starr Avenue Street. The Medical use district is intended to accommodate those business activities associated with, or related to, the medical profession. The property is currently developed as a single family residence, and the applicant proposes to repurpose the existing structure for an office use. Adjacent Land Use & Zonina The subject property is currently zoned R-4 Multi Family and is developed as a single family residence. The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows: Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North (Across E. Starr Ave.) Public A, Agriculture SFASU South Central City Mixed Use R-4, Multi Family & Single Family & M, Medical Medical Office East Central City Mixed Use R-4, Multi Family Single Family West Central City Mixed Use M, Medical Medical Office The area includes a mix of zoning, including R-4 Multi Family to the east and south, M, Medical to the south and west, and A, Agriculture to the north across E. Starr Ave. Surrounding land uses include medical offices, a church, single family and multifamily rental property, and SFASU facilities to the north across E. Starr Ave. The M, Medical zoning is compatible with the zoning in the area and should not adversely impact the adjacent land uses. Future Land Use Per the 2003 Nacogdoches Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land Use Plan designates the property and the surrounding area as Central City Mixed Use, which is described as the, Central core of the Naco�doches*#4 the oldest town in Texas Planning and Zoning Commission Date: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 3 City, in and around the traditional downtown, where a mix of retail, office, residential and public uses is permitted and encouraged subject to development and compatibility standards. The proposed M, Medical zoning district is in line with the land uses described in the Central Mixed Use Future Land Use designation, and will contribute to the existing mix of office, residential and public uses in the area. Access & Utilities: The subject property has adequate access to utilities, with a 6-inch water main and a 12-inch sewer main located along E. Starr Avenue. E. Starr Avenue is a major arterial which functions as primary access for the office and higher density residential uses in the area. Flood Damage Prevention: Per the FEMA Floodplain Map, there is no floodplain located on the subject property. Notices: Staff sent out 7 notices to property owners within the 200 foot notification area. Since the time of this report Staff has received no contacts regarding the request. Recommendation Based on the above findings, Staff recommends approval of a change of zoning for the subject property from R-4, Multi Family to M, Medical. FINANCIAL: X There is no financial impact associated with this item Item is budgeted: ( - - ) In the amount of $ Item is not budgeted (Budget Amendment required; please attach BA ordinance) Amount: $ GL Account #: Item is estimated to generate additional revenue: CITY CONTACT: Alaina Chafin, City Planner chafina@ci.nacogdoches.tx.us 559-2572 ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Aerial Map Zoning Map Future Land Use Map Notification Map ZON 2020-07 Notice: This product is for informational purposes antl may ^I not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, 0 37.5 75 150 Feet or surveying purposes. It does not represent- on-the-ground— n-the-ground rvey antl represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. �y Date Created: September 7, 2020 Software: ArcGIS 10.7.1 ZON 2020-07 �LT BK 50 THE I N LT BK 0 K LT BK 50 LTBK50 LT 10 LT 7 = L E I N BK4 BK4.5 K LT 10 LT 6 BK BK4 LT 10- B ' LT 5 ■ 'r BK 45 LBKO-D LT ` LT13BK45 BK 45 LT11&12 BK 45 LT 10-E LT LT EDI BK 45 BK 45 4 r LT 10-F LT 2 1 BK 45 BK 45 LT EDI T1 4 BK LT . 1 , Public .1 LT14BK LT14BK45 ' IndustrialBK LT 1 BK 45 LT 3 45 L LT BK �-L B ' -Family Residential Multi K4 2 45 LT 2 I 5 LT2 1 1 I K4 �', L 714 Public LT5BK45 B ' LT6BK45 LT ABK T 7 BK 45 Rural LT 6 BK 45 L 7 B 45 LT 714714 Single Family Residential LT K4BK45 LT ABK45 ' LT8BK45 i 1__==" LT27BK45 LT8ABK45 LT J714 V4 714 LT 8-A BK 45 LT 9 BK 45 714 LT10BK45 K45 LT11 BK45 L 45 LT1 , 1318 Central LT 10 BK 45 L 11 •— V f 4-A City4NMized Use L LT 11 45 LT 33 BK 45 LT 12 BK 45 LT 29-A BK 45 LT 13 I li"I 0 LT 45 LT 28 BK 45 K 45 ku LT LT 29 BK LT 34 BK 45 LT 13 BK 45 K 116 LT 6 BK 45 BK 4 LT 14 BK 45 —'5 B 1. L K 45 5 LT BK LT 15 BK 45 Lr B 5 L 0-B 5 LT 1 BK 45 45 BK 45 __�K 5 ::�'`� L BK 45 L� LT 1 BK 45 3 K LT 2 BK 45 Notice: This p,d,,t Is for Informational purposes antl may `.I not have been prop for or be suitable for legal, engineering, 0 50 100 200 Feet or surveying purposes. It tloes not represent on on-the-g,o.nd r r r r r r urvey antl represents only the approximate rel.fi- location of property bountlanes. Date Created: September 8, 2020 Software: ArcGIS 10.7.1 LT 37SBK 45 LT PECAN PARK BK 45 Nac�,¢doche� 519 LT 3K 50 10-C LT 7 45� BK 45 0-E LT 6 BK45 BK45 LT ' 0-F LT 5 UK-45 BK45 1 -D LT 4 BEA5 BK45 _T 1 B-E LT 3 BK 5 BK45 _T1GF LT BK45 BK45 LT1C 3K ��5 -1 10-H 507 LTBK50 411 1&12 '45 LT MEDIWN LT BK 50 41 LT13BK45 ' 505 AI DI:kh 505 14 Et i E IP N K4 LT 4 LT BK45 LT rp 3� 420 BK 45 LT Ef 26-B LT 26-C BK 45 LT 2 BK 45 14 0 14 3K45 BK45 .tTI-A air4o -T--A 126-D 404 I LT 6 BK 45 � LT 7 B 4 EK45 LT6BK45 L 7 BK45 1417 ILT8BK45LT8[B�K45 NMI L 9-E LT 9 BK 45 LT 8-A BK 45 BK 45 Legend g LT101 L ii•H 200ft Buffer L �,K 1320 E K45 LT 11 BK 45 LT 10 BK 45 1.T,1' -A Proposed Zone Change B '45 - LT29-A C LT33BK45 LT12BK45 LT 28 BK 45 45 LTA B 45 o LT13BK45 1303 � LT 34 BK 45 �T 3 LT 30-A BK 45 1300 515 LT 14 BK 45 LT 35 BK 45 1301 715 5 BAILEY AVE _T 45 F BK5 L BK 45 I I LT 47 BK 45 1 r 1225 1224 LTBK50 1620 615 1601 Z LT14BK45 614 LT14BK45 D G� C m -i E STARR AVE (q U411 L .." T i rsC�S T LT 2- B LT 1 7 4 LT BK45 BK 45 LT I -A K 45 145 71k44 726 726 4) LT5BK45 LT6 7 5 BK 45 714LT 1 BK 45 LT7BK45 LT8 BK 45 LT 2 1603140t 71 714 T 9 BK 45 1321 T 3 BK 45 714 14 726 Z 714 r 1316 LT 12 BK 45 1m LT 4 BK 45 L 4-A 3K 45 LT11 BK45 1315 A 1316 N LT 13 130E LT 14 BK 45 1308 BK 45 130+3 1311 1309 LT 5 BK 45 1308 L I 1302 1302 B-K d LT 16 LT 6 BK 45 LT 15 BK 45 " BK 45 LT 1 BK 45 LT 1 BK 45 LT 2 616 BK45 -gp 1230 1222 1 LT4BK45 LT2BK45 LT3BK45 1991t 1 zllrlii7 7 LT 15&16 BK 45 J LT 728 730 LT2BK45 728 LT 37-B BK 45 LT PECAN PARK BK 45 Naco�doches*#' the oldest town in Texas V PRESENTER: Alaina Chafin, City Planner Planning and Zoning Commission Date: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 4 ITEM/SUBJECT: Public Hearing: Consider an ordinance amending the terms within a Planned Development District within the City of Nacogdoches for Lots 1 and 10, Block 1; Lots 1 and 10, Block 2; and Lots 1 and 18, Block 3 of the Austin Hills Subdivision. This request has been submitted by Varron McLemore. Case File PD2020- 02. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the Planned Development District. SUMMARY/BACKGROUND: Background The Austin Hills Subdivision is zoned PD, Planned Development for a single family neighborhood, with the vacant church on Opal Drive currently planned for a future senior center. The neighborhood is still being developed, and several of the lots are vacant. Under the current standards of the PD, the residential lots are to be developed under the R-3, Two Family building setbacks, with a reduced side yard building setback of three (3) feet. Per the Zoning Ordinance, where lots have double street frontage, running through from one street to another (corner lots), a required front yard building setback shall be provided on both streets. The required front yard setback for the R-3, Two Family zoning district is 20 feet. The applicant is requesting a five (5) foot reduction in front yard building setback along certain street frontages of the corner lots as shown in the attached exhibit. The lot sizes within the subdivision vary, with smaller lots located in the northern phase of the subdivision along Eric Drive and Emily Court; and larger lots in the southern phase of the subdivision along McLemore Court. The average lot size along Eric Drive and Emily Court is approximately 6,700 square feet, and these lots range in width from 50-60 feet. The lots that front McLemore Court range in size from 6,300 to 23,000 square feet, and range in width from 55-75 feet. The applicant has stated that due to the size and configuration of the properties, the requirement for two front yard setbacks on these corner lots severely limits the ability to place homes of similar style and character as those that have already been constructed along the same street. In order to maintain the existing character of the homes in the area, the applicant is requesting a five (5) foot reduction to the following building setbacks: • Lot 1, Blocks 1 and 2, located at the intersection of Eric Drive and Opal Drive: reduced front yard building setback along Opal Drive from 20 feet to 15 feet. • Lot 10, Blocks 1 and 2, located at the intersection of Eric Drive and Harvey Austin Drive: reduced front yard building setback along Harvey Austin Drive from 20 feet to 15 feet. Lots 1 and 18, Block 3, located at the intersection of Emily Court and Harvey Austin Drive: reduced front yard building setback along Harvey Austin Drive frontages from 20 feet to 15 feet. Naco�doches*#' the oldest town in Texas V Planning and Zoning Commission Date: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 4 ExistinLy Land Use and Zoning The subject properties are single family corner lots located within the Austin Hills Subdivision along Eric Drive and Emily Court. These lots are surrounded by other residential lots and there are no proposed changes to the approved land use. The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows: Direction Comprehensive Plan Zoning Land Use North Single Family PD, Planned Residential (Across W. Residential Development Austin St.) South Rural Development A, Agriculture Vacant East Rural Development A, Agriculture Vacant West Single Family A, Agriculture Vacant Residential Future Land Use Per the 2003 Nacogdoches Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land Use designates the property as Single Family Residential which is defined as, "Single -Family Residential: Conventional one family detached dwellings (also includes duplexes)" REVIEW CRITERIA Per Section 118.392 of the Nacogdoches Code of Ordinances, Based upon the concept plan or development plan, the following conditions shall be considered when reviewing a development plan: a. The plan of development is generally consistent with the future land use policies and map in the adopted comprehensive plan. b. Proposed uses and the configuration of uses are compatible with existing and planned adjoining uses. c. The general arrangement of streets conforms to the adopted thoroughfare plan. d. Proposed uses and development densities and intensities are consistent with the purposes and standards of the planned development district regulations. e. The proposed plan for development furthers the public health, safety and general welfare of the community. Staff FindinL-s The proposed amendments to the Planned Development district do not modify the approved land uses or densities in the existing PD; nor do they modify the arrangements of streets, access or utilities. Staff finds that the request is consistent with the future land use policies and planned adjoining uses, and will have no adverse impact on adjacent property. Naco�doches*#4 the oldest town in Texas V Planning and Zoning Commission Date: September 14, 2020 Agenda Item: 4 Notices Staff sent 18 notices to property owners within the 200 foot notification area. Since the time of this report Staff has received no contacts regarding the request. Staff Recommendation Based on the above findings, Staff recommends approval. FINANCIAL: X There is no financial impact associated with this item Item is budgeted: ( - - ) In the amount of $ Item is not budgeted (Budget Amendment required; please attach BA ordinance) Amount: $ GL Account #: Item is estimated to generate additional revenue: CITY CONTACT: Alaina Chafin, City Planner chafina@ci.nacogdoches.tx.us 559-2572 ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Aerial Map Zoning Map Future Land Use Map Notification Map PD Exhibit Ll 14 LT8 LT11 BK,i8 ILT131 BK 68 BK 88 LT 10 B< 68 jBK 68 LT13 T9 �I 23K L 7 BK 68 LT12 LT 1 LT4BK� BK68 BK 68 LT 3 3K 6£ LT11 -T5E'� BK 68 BK68 -LT-1 0 `/ LT 12 BK 68 T 9 K 68 BK 68 LT 9 BK 68 LT7 T 10 LT8 BK68 BK 68 LT LT7 BK 61 LT7 LT RESERVE BK 68 C BK 68 L74ESER /E B BK 68 L LT 6 LT 10-A BK 68 L-1.6 BK68. 50 50 LT 1 BK 68 BK 6a 1532 T 'T 151 LT5 Kbv 1 02 BK 68 LT 4 '�T''�� PAS C BK68 LT8 52 K-38 LT4 LT 3 Ifl BK68 < LT 6 LT 5 BK 68 Z BK68 LT 9 M BK68 K6 BK 8 LT3 LT 2 LTj10 BK 68 O BK68 O BKI68 LT2 O LT LT RESERVE BK v - BK68 0 ABK68 0 3102 LT p A BK68 A r W AUSTIN ST 1601 LT 1 BK 50 Legend 0 Proposed PD Change LT BK 61 LT bK u Lr LT 3K 3 50 T8 K LT 4 BK B 50 L 10T K O O L 3 50 T 7 K O 1 2 LT BK T 1 LT 5 BK LT BK D r 1 ERIC DR LT BK 40 LT 50 0 L 4 B 50 EMILY CT A 52 5 K L 5 L 3B 50 LT B T1 K r� LT 1 6 50 S Z 18 T5 BK h LT 9 BK 50 9 50 _ LT \TRESERVE ABK50 F" 5 L 10 3K50 3 LT 1 LT 33 T 34 K LT RESERVE B BK 50 BK 5 BK 5� LIW K 5 >. I T 1 B 50 Li I I I - 36 W LT BK 0 1 � d �u 428 142 K 50 % BK ±al L LT12 Q 133 13 0 BK 50 1 12 LT2 BK 50 31 1434 W MCLEMORE CT L 3 B 50 LT 13 BK 50 E MCLEMORE CT BK 50 143 142 14 5 /r 1 a BK 12 ff BK5 22 L 1";BLT31 0LT 8B 50 LT:!59 20 LT15LT14BK50 LT 27 BaC 50LT 20 IM 50LT30 LLT2 BK 0 Lr19 LT1 B 50 BK50 BK50 LT 9B 50 26BK5P B-K50 LT 2 BK 50 LT 9 BK 68 LT 4-B BK 68 LT3BK68 LT 2 BK 68 LT14BK68 LT10BK50 LT 10-/ BK 50 LT 12K5 LT RESERVE LT1-ABK50 CBK50 LT 2-A BK 50 PD 2020-02 Notice: This product is W informational purposes .. d may not have been prepared W ., b. suitable W legal, engineering, ., surveying p.,p..... It d... not represent an on -the -ground ..—y -d represents only t,. approximate I.fi- location f property b—d.n... 0 75 150 300 Feet Date Created: September 8, 2020 Software: ArcGIS 10.7.1 LT7 BK61 Legend 200ft Buffer 0 Proposed PD Change LT8 BK 61 BK68% 3KCt I'tt LT 14 LT8 B' 68 LT 13 LT4-BBK68 BK 68 BK 68 LT ' 0 Bh 68 yK 68 BK 68 LT 13 LT 9 [I LT7 uI ' K BK68BK LT LT43K16 BK 68 BK 68 LT3 3K LT11 BK 68 -T5E'; BK 68 `/ LT 10 LT3BK68 BK 68 T 9 K 68 BK 68 LT 9 T 10 K BK 68 LT7 L 8 LT8 BK 68 BK 68 BK 68 LT7 LT RESERVE BK 68 C BK 68 LIWESER'/E LT 9 BK 68 BBK68 LT6 _ LT10-ABK68 LTe 1 `�i2 15 61 14 508 BK 6 LT 1s BK sa 51 20 LT 5 B his BK 1 0 LT 2 BK 68 BK 68 LT 4 Zl H C BK 68 ITl BK68 15"7 1 15 K'�8 LT4 CO LT 3 < LT 9T BK 68 Z BK 68 m LT LT2 A BK68 BK 8 LT3 BK 68 LT 10 BK 68 O LT14BK68 LT1 Q � LT RESERVE BK68 p BK 68 0 8 N 3 LT 1 BK68 LT10 / BK 50 AUSTIN sT LT N 3 K T8 K LT O K LT BK LT B 50 L 10 5 L 3 B 50 T 7 n "1601 0 5 2 LT BK 0 1 5 LT5 K T8B 50 LT 0-, LT1 1'450 E DR LT BK 0 T40 L 50 B 5L LT 30 EMILY CT A 52 TLT s �}o BK 0 T 1 1 w 2 K 14 7 Q 50 BK 0 L 12 LT 9 BK 50 LT 1 LT K LT 1 BB 50 LT BK 0 y 1 2113i5L 13 350 L 10 3K50 L"'RES VEABK50 � B LT 1B 50 LT 3 Q - LT RES VE B BK 50 LT�S K5 1- LT Ll2 BK W BK 5 B 50 LT RESERVE LT1-ABK50 000 BK L 8 B 50 LT 10 LT 32 42 14 2 K 50 13 LT BK kBK LT 12 C BK 50 LT 2 BK 50 BK 50 Q 133 50 50 120 14 T7 K 5 W MCLEMORE BK 50 LT 13 31 CT BK 50 E MCLEMORE CT BK 50 143 14 1�1 'BK5 'BK5 T LT LT:9B 50 L 19 226L 16B LT'1 50 LT 8 B 50 LT 5 B 50 1 9 B 50 20 LT14BK50 LT 15 14`7 LT 27 BBC 50 24 LT 2 LT 0 B 50 BK 50 LT30 26BK K50BK.r, L 21 50 1. iR -- BK 50' LT 2 BK 50 LT 2-A BK 50 �� wEs'7 �� CURVE RADIUS ARC CHORD ,CURVE RADIUS ARC CHORD CURVEA ii �j �+ EASEL (FT) DELTA (FT) BEARING LABEL (FT) DELTA (FT) BEARING LABS! 3 4 7-I • ����^^^+ 01 25.00 9000'00 39.21 �5 �+ C 2 25.h° {f�?i:i T-pa N F j �+/''� C2 00 SW 8' 173.42 n/Z�fi'If 73.C?3 25.00 �` � 18-69 5 {Vp� $7$ wAY HT17 jjl v •F1N. 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